Responsible Sourcing – 9/10 Times, Cantium will source product from the country of origin that manufactured it. Cantium maintains representatives in the Far East and for EMEA to ensure that we are sourcing from trusted, transparent resellers within the grey market. We provide full transparency on our products, providing you with all of the information you need from day one.

Feel safe in the knowledge that Cantium utilise every possible resource to ensure that purchasing from outside of Europe is not the normal minefield of reliability and counterfeit products.

  • Cantium maintains a network of trusted suppliers worldwide. This ensures that we can call on their expertise in dealing with any company or product.
  • Cantium takes extended measures to analyse any received product. Cantium utilises digital microscopes, chemical testing and maintains a huge archive of all products received. This ensures that Cantium is able to provide visual quality tests of any product on site.